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Chapter 6 : Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect 
Active & Passive Voice 
Active Voice 
S + V to have (had) + V3

He had finished written a letter to his mother when his friend knocked at the door. 

Passive Voice
S + V to have + been + V3

A letter had been written (by him) for 3 hours when his friend knocked at the door. 

Past Perfect Negative Form
Active & Passive Voice 
Active Voice 
S + V to have (had) + not + V3

He hadn't finished written a letter to his mother when his friend knocked at the door. 

Passive Voice
S + V to have + not + been + V3

A letter hadn't been written (by him) for 3 hours when his friend knocked at the door. 

Past Perfect Question Form
Active & Passive Voice 
Active Voice 
V to have (had) + S +  V3?

Had he finished written a letter to his mother when his friend knocked at the door. 

Passive Voice
V to have (had) + S +  been + V3?

Had A letter been written (by him) for 3 hours when his friend knocked at the door?

Past Perfect Usage:
  1. Use to talk about the events that happened in the past:
    We use Past Perfect to show the order of two events in the past - what happened first we use past perfect and past simple or past continuous for event that is more recent (event that happens later).
    เราใช้ Past Perfect ในการกล่าวถึงลำดับของเหตุการณ์ 2 เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นในอดีต ซึ่งเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นก่อน เราใช้ past perfect และ ใช้ past simple หรือ past continuous สำหรับเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นทีหลัง

    Ruby walked down the street and saw the boy who had stolen her purse. Firstly, the boy stole the purse and then Ruby saw him.
    I had lived in USA for a year before I moved back to Thailand. First, I lived in USA and then I moved to Thailand.

  2. Reported Speech:
    Use to tell other people what you have been told.
    เราสามารถใช้ past perfect ในรูปของ reported speech หรือที่เรียกอีกอย่างว่า indirect speech ซึ่งเป็นการบอกเหรือเล่าเรื่องที่เราได้ยินมาให้กับคนอื่นๆฟัง

    This morning my girlfriend said to me "I have had my breakfast and I am going to work"

    when I am going to tell other about this I would have to say
    เมื่อนำคำพูดนี้ไปบอกคนอื่นในรูป reported speech จะได้ประโยคใหม่ว่า

    My girlfriend told me she had had her breakfast and she was going to work.
  3. Unreal Situations (third conditional):
    Used in the third conditional which refers to a situation that is past and is impossible to change.
    อีกรูปแบบหนึ่งของการใช้ past perfect คือ การพูดถึง if clause ในแบบที่ 3 คือสถานการณ์ที่ตรงข้ามกับความจริงในอดีต

    John would’ve played in the game yesterday If he had recovered from his injury.
    The fact was John hadn't been recovered when the game started.

Past Perfect Tense Keyword:
by the time  เมื่อถึงเวลา...

After + Past Perfect, Past Simple.
Past Simple + after + Past Perfect.

Before/When/By the time + Past simple, Past Perfect.
Past Perfect + before/when/by the time+ Past simple.

Chapter 12 : Indirect Speech/Reported Speech
Past Simple + Past Continuous + Past Perfect Usage
Irregular Verbs

Past Perfect Tense videos
[:- Past Perfect Tense -:]

[:- Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous Tense -:]

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