Using telepathy to call her children
Apart from being clever and quick to understand, it seems that Tongdaeng has the gift of telepathy, and can use it effectively. On many occasions, Tongdaeng's children would run off to play far from His Majesty. As for Tongdaeng, she would scout about in front of the King, then come back to him. On one occasion, when the King thought that Tongdaeng's children had strayed too far away, he said "Tongdaeng, go and fetch Tongmuan." (Tongdaeng's number three offspring) Tongdaeng stood up and gazed out in that direction; in an instant, Tongmuan came running back.
If that had happened only once or twice, it could have been construed as a coincidence, but it happened many times, not only with Tongdaeng's children, but also with other dogs. Tongdaeng can use the power of telepathy to call them back to His Majesty.
If the distance is not too great, Tongdaeng would walk to the spot to fetch them. For example, when Tongtae is with the King, he would usually sit in a hidden comer, while Tongdaeng would always stay near the King. When it is time to go home, sometimes the King would say, "Tongdaeng, go and fetch Tongtae; it's time to go home." Tongdaeng would go and nudge Tongtae to get up.
Form: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
The Story of Tongdaeng. Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Limited, 2002, P.40."
Exercise 8.4: Read the passage above and choose the best answer.
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